Are you tired of smoking cigarettes? The cough, the smell, the cost, standing out in the cold, the nagging of loved ones? Is it time to think about quitting?
For many people smoking is a part of their daily lives, but even if you're someone who's quit before and started again, don't lose hope!! It is rare that a smoker successfully quits the first time they try. On average, a person makes 30 quit attempts before they successfully quit for life. The good news is that with every quit attempt you learn something new about your strengths and about your areas for improvement. As you learn more about yourself and your smoking patterns, every subsequent quit attempt becomes easier and easier.
Cigarettes contain nicotine and nicotine is a very addictive drug. It only takes seven seconds for the nicotine to reach your brain after you inhale. Your brain and body quickly get used to the effects of nicotine and need more cigarettes more often to avoid withdrawal symptoms like tiredness, irritability, hunger etc. This makes you addicted to tobacco. The effect that you feel from smoking only lasts a few minutes, but the impact on your health can be forever.
Nicotine itself is a toxic substance and cigarettes contain 4000 chemicals, at least 40 of which are cancer causing. How smoking affects you depends on a number of factors including how long you've been smoking, how much you smoke, your age, and any medical conditions.
Think about preparing. It is a bit like training for a race. The better trained you are, the higher the likelihood of success. Think about the reasons you have for quitting.
Down the road you may think about it for a number of reasons. Quitting smoking is an individual experience and by simply thinking about wanting to quit means that you are on your way to making that change to become smoke-free.
Now that we thought about preparing to quit, are you ready to quit smoking?