Knowing your risk can help you make healthy choices that will reduce your risk or even prevent you from developing diabetes.
Risk factors include:
CANRISK is a simple set of questions aimed at Canadians aged 40 to 74, including those who may have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. It is designed to identify people at high or moderate risk of developing pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, and to focus their attention on the specific factors that a person can modify.
While some factors are not modifiable, such as family history, others such as diet, weight, and activity levels are. By understanding how risk factors may lead to diabetes, it is hoped that people will make lifestyle changes including regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy body weight that can lead to long-term health.
Click here to take the Canadian Diabetes Risk Questionnaire.
Individuals who have questions after completing the questionnaire are encouraged to speak with a health care practitioner, such as a family doctor, nurse practitioner, pharmacist or dietitian. Dietitians at the health unit can help link you to local services in your community if needed.
Indigenous Peoples in Canada are disproportionately affected by type 2 diabetes. Understanding the history of colonization and its relationship to the current high rates of diabetes among Indigenous Peoples is key to diabetes prevention. Click here to learn more about type 2 diabetes and Indigenous Peoples.