The Porcupine Health Unit has a number of programs and services to help you stay healthy. Visit the following webpages for details on how we can help you meet your health goals.
If you don't find what you're looking for here, please use either the "Search by Tag" on this page, or the search box at the top of every page on our site.
Looking for information about sexual health? Got questions about birth control, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, or sex in general? Our sexual health team can provide you with the services and answers you need. If you do not have a healthcare provider or access to sexual health services, call us to book an appointment at 705-267-1181 or 1-800-461-1818.
With the Porcupine Health Unit's tobacco program we work to educate people about the dangers of second-hand smoke and deliver programs to encourage youth to never start smoking.
In the summer, the combination of high heat and high humidity can be dangerous. The people at risk during these weather conditions include the elderly, people with chronic illness, infants and preschool children and people who participate in physical activity or are involved in strenuous outdoor work for prolonged periods. Follow these tips to avoid heat-related illness.
Vaccines protect an entire population by preventing the spread of disease from one individual to another: the more people immunized the less chance for disease to circulate.