The Porcupine Health Unit want to help you to increase physical activity knowledge by promoting sport for life.
Sport and physical activity can be a powerful force for individual and social growth and development, or it can fall short. The Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L) concept is based on the belief that ‘quality’ sport and physical activity possess unique attributes enabling the development of healthy individuals. ‘Quality’ sport means sport delivered with a focus on the optimal development mind, body and spirit of each individual by using a developmentally appropriate approach. It is inclusive, accessible, and ethical, placing priority on long-term success over short-term gains. By placing emphasis on learning basic skills, a child will become physically literate.
A physical literate child is able to move capably and confidently in a range of physically challenging situations and will understand the benefits and importance of daily physical activity.
If your child has a preferred activity, encourage them to participate in it once or twice per week, while getting them to partake in a variety of other physical activities 3 or 4 times per week.
Promoting active transportation is a simple and inexpensive way to improve the health of your residents, employees and students.
Tips and strategies to cycling safely.