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Cleaning routines

Cleaning and sanitizing surfaces in a school environment will help prevent the spread of infections. Special attention must be given to the routine cleaning of high touch surfaces such as:

  • door handles (especially in washrooms),
  • hand rails,
  • computer key boards and mouse devices,
  • table tops and counters,
  • washrooms.

Toys and activity centres

  • Frequently touched toys in areas with toddlers and infants must be cleaned daily.
  • Frequently touched toys in areas with non-diapered children must be cleaned weekly or as required.
  • If a toy becomes contaminated by body secretions, it must be removed from circulation and placed in a labelled bin (out of the reach of children) until cleaned and disinfected.
  • Toys that can withstand high temperatures may be cleaned and sanitized using a mechanical dishwasher (sanitizing cycle must be at least 82°C/180°F or higher).

Sleep Equipment

  • Must be used by only a single child.
  • Label mats to ensure it is used only by the assigned child.
  • Must be cleaned and disinfected before assigned to another child.
  • Sleeping mats and blankets should be stored in a manner that will prevent contact with one another.

Indoor Sandboxes

  • Sand used indoors must come from an approved source and should be pre-washed (available from most hardware stores).
  • Must be cleaned and sanitized regularly and the sand must be replaced on a regular basis.
  • Must be covered when not in use.
  • Exclude children or staff members with a cold, cough or skin infection from play.
  • Children and staff members wash their hands before and after play.

Water Play Tables

Water tables are at high risk for the potential spread of communicable diseases. Extra care must be taken when using water play tables.

  • Fill the water container immediately before use.
  • Water must be drained and the water container disinfected after each use.
  • Clean and disinfect toys after each use.
  • Do not use sponge toys.
  • Exclude children or staff members with a cold, cough or skin infection from water table play.
  • Exclude infants, toddlers, and diapered children from group water play. These children can play individually or in individual containers.
  • Children and staff must wash hands before and after play.
  • During an outbreak of illness STOP use of water play tables.

Musical Instruments and Mouthpieces

Musical instruments and mouthpieces, particularly those used by more than one student, should be cleaned and disinfected to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Steps for disinfecting mouthpieces/musical instruments:

  • Soak in warm water for twenty minutes.
  • Wash with soap and water.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Immerse in a disinfectant solution. When using the disinfectant, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on dilution levels and immersion times to ensure effectiveness.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water and let dry.
  • In schools where dishwashers are available, mouthpieces that are able to withstand heat can be placed in a mechanical dishwasher for cleaning and sanitizing. The mechanical dishwasher sanitizing cycle must reach a minimum of 82°C/180°F to be effective.

Additional guidelines for musical instruments:

  • Do not allow students with visible sores, or respiratory infections to use mouthpieces or instruments.
  • Clean brass instruments with a cleaning snake and warm water before passing to other students.
  • Wipe dry woodwind instruments after every use.
  • Disinfect mouthpieces after use by a student who has had a communicable disease and throw out all used reeds.
  • Reeds must labelled and used by only one person.

Control measures - Increased incidents of respiratory illness and gastroenteritis (Episodes of vomiting and diarrhea)

In incidents where there is an increase of respiratory illnesses and gastroenteritis, the following control measures should be put into place:

  • Effective and frequent hand washing by all individuals:
    • following toilet use;
    • before and after preparing and/or eating food; and
    • after handling contaminated articles.
  • Ensure adequate supplies of liquid soap and paper towels are in all sanitary facilities and at all hand washing basins.
  • Check all disinfectants to ensure proper concentration and usage.
  • Properly dispose of all infective/contaminated articles. Flush or discard vomitus or stool in the toilet and make sure that the surrounding area is cleaned and disinfected.
  • Adhere to a rigid cleaning schedule (i.e., washrooms, work surfaces, touch surfaces such as door knobs, fountain taps, and toys).
  • Symptomatic students and staff should remain at home until 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhea and/or vomiting or until respiratory symptoms have cleared.