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Scarlet Fever

Incubation period:

1-3 days 

Signs and symptoms:

May include fever, sore throat, swollen glands, and headache, plus a very fine raised rash. Appears most often on the neck, chest, in folds of armpit, elbow, groin and inner thigh. A swollen, red tongue may appear. Later there may be peeling of skin on fingertips and toes. 

How it is spread:

Contact with respiratory tract secretions of an infected person. 

Contagious period:

If untreated can infect others for up to 10-21 days. If treated with antibiotics, will not be infectious after 24 hours.

Exclusion guidelines:

Exclude until 24 hours after treatment has started and child is without fever for 24 hours. 

What can be done:

Clean and disinfect soiled articles and surfaces.

Thorough and frequent hand washing by staff and children.