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Incubation period:

Body-and scalp 1-21days

Signs and symptoms:

Body: Rash that may have a ring shape and raised edge. Edge of the lesion may be dry, itchy and scaly or  moist and crusty. As lesions spread outward, the centre often becomes clear.

Scalp: May be difficult to detect in early stages. Begins as a small, scaly patch which spreads leaving scaly patches of temporary baldness.

How it is spread:

Direct contact with infected person, animal or contaminated articles. 

Contagious period:

As long as lesions are present and viable fungus persists on contaminated materials.   

Exclusion guidelines:

Should not return to child care or to school until after treatment has started.

What can be done:

Launder soiled clothes, towels, and bedding in hot water.

Clean and disinfect environment surfaces.

Thorough and frequent hand washing by staff and children.