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Incubation period for eggs:

1-2 weeks

Signs and symptoms:

Itching of the scalp.

Look for:

  1. crawling lice in the hair,
  2. eggs (nits) glued to the hair near the scalp,
  3. scratch marks on the scalp or back of the neck or hair line.

How it is spread:

Person to person contact with an infected person or their belongings (i.e., direct hair to hair contact or indirect by sharing hats, head phones, combs etc.).

Contagious period:

While lice remain alive on the infected person or his clothing.

Exclusion guidelines:

Exclusion guidelines vary with school boards.

What can be done:

Check the child’s head regularly once a lice treatment is given. Daily checks after treatment are needed to remove any nits. Retreatment is preformed commonly 7-10 days after initial treatment.

Refer to your school’s Head Lice Policy.

For further information on developing a head lice policy or managing care, see the Communicable Diseases and Immunization Manual: Head Lice Guidelines.