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Report to health unit if 20% or more of children and/or staff are affected. (tel: 705-267-1181 or fax: 705-360-7324)

Incubation period:

7-10 days

Signs and symptoms:

A skin rash that is characterized by clusters of blisters or red bumps. The blisters may ooze or be covered with honey coloured crust. The rash usually appears around the nose, mouth and parts of the skin not covered by clothes.

How it is spread:

Spread from person to person by direct contact with open sores of people who carry the bacteria without symptoms. Can also be spread by indirect contact. 

Contagious period:

From onset of skin rash until 24 hours after treatment with oral or topical antibiotic. Very contagious and should be treated at once. 

Exclusion guidelines:

Exclude until 24 hours after treatment has been started. 

What can be done:

Clean and disinfect soiled articles and surfaces.

Thorough and frequent hand washing by staff and children.

Do not share clothing or linens.