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Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Report to health unit if 20% or more of children and/or staff are affected.(tel: 705-267-1181 or fax: 705-360-7324) 

Incubation period:

3-5 days

Signs and symptoms:

Fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, sore throat, malaise, painful sores in mouth, ash with or without blisters on hands, feet and diaper area.

How it is spread:

Virus spreads from person to person through direct contact with nose and throat discharges and feces of infected people; or via contaminated hands, objects and surfaces. 

Contagious period:

Most contagious during the first week of illness in saliva and stool. The virus can live in stool for 4 weeks after the start of illness.

Exclusion guidelines:

No exclusion is necessary unless child does not feel well.

What can be done:

Clean and disinfect soiled articles and surfaces. 

Thorough and frequent hand washing by staff and children.