Report to health unit if 20% or more of children and/or staff are affected. (tel: 705-267-1181 or fax: 705-360-7324)
Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, cramps, fever, loss of appetite and blood and/or mucus in bowel movement.
Ingestion of contaminated food or water; also spread from person to person on contaminated hands or objects.
Varies depending on which bacteria are found in the stool. Usually while symptoms persist. Carriers without symptoms may transmit disease.
Exclude until stool returns to normal and symptoms are gone for a minimum of 24 hours or as otherwise directed by the Health Unit. Negative stool cultures are not required unless an outbreak occurs. Shigella requires 2 successive negative stool cultures, 24 hours apart and at least 24 hours after cessation of symptoms.
Thorough hand washing is extremely important in reducing the spread, especially after toilet use.