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Chicken Pox (Varicella)

Report to health unit within one business day. (tel: 705-267-1181 or fax: 705-360-7324)

Incubation period:

2-3 weeks

Signs and symptoms:

Fever and skin rash that comes in crops. Rash begins on chest, back, underarm, neck and face; changes to blisters for 4-5days then scabs. 

How it is spread:

Virus spreads very easily through the air or through direct contact with fluid in a chickenpox blister. 

Contagious period:

Usually, 1-2 days before onset of rash and continuing until all lesions are crusted (usually about 5 days). 

Exclusion guidelines:

Exclude if child has a fever. Child can go to school or day nursery as long as they feel well enough to participate in normal activities. Siblings may attend school or day nursery. 

What can be done:

Thorough and frequent hand washing by staff and children. 

Vaccine available. 

Pregnant women who have been exposed and have NOT had chickenpox should call their health care provider.