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Common Childhood Communicable Diseases

The health unit's established exclusion and reporting guidelines for common childhood communicable diseases are found below. Click on the disease name for more information including incubation periods, signs & symptoms, transmission, contagious period, and what needs to be done by the day care and school setting.;


Infectious Disease Protocol 2022, Ministry of Health. Last modified 2022-06-28 Infectious Diseases Protocol - Ontario Public Health Standards - Programs and Services - Health Care Professionals - MOH (

Caring for Kids, Canadian Pediatric Society 2023. Health conditions and treatments | Caring for kids (

Heymann, David L. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 21st Ed. American Public Health Association. Washington DC. 2022

  • Chicken Pox (Varicella)
    Exclude if child has a fever. Child can go to school or day nursery as long as they feel well enough to participate in normal activities. Siblings may attend school or day nursery. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT WITHIN ONE BUSINESS DAY.
  • Common Colds
    Exclude if child has a fever. Child may go to school or day nursery if he feels well enough to take part in normal activities.
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink-eye)
    Infected people should be presumed contagious until eye discharge has resolved. Parents should minimize exposure by keeping their child home during this time if the child’s behaviour or environment is such that close contact with others cannot be avoided. If an antibiotic is prescribed by a health care provider, the child can return 24 hours after start of treatment.
  • Diarrhea
    Exclude until stool returns to normal and symptoms are gone for a minimum of 24 hours or as otherwise directed by the Health Unit. Negative stool cultures are not required unless an outbreak occurs. Shigella requires 2 successive negative stool cultures, 24 hours apart and at least 24 hours after cessation of symptoms REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IF 20% OR MORE OF CHILDREN AND/OR STAFF ARE AFFECTED.
  • Fifth’s Disease (Parvovirus B19)
    No exclusion is necessary unless child does not feel well. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IF 20% OR MORE OF CHILDREN AND/OR STAFF ARE AFFECTED.
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
    No exclusion is necessary unless child does not feel well. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IF 20% OR MORE OF CHILDREN AND/OR STAFF ARE AFFECTED.
  • Hepatitis A
    Exclude until 14 days after the onset of symptoms or 7 days after jaundice whichever is shorter. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IMMEDIATELY.
  • Hepatitis B
    No exclusion is necessary unless the child exhibits biting behaviour or has open sores that cannot be covered. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT WITHIN ONE BUSINESS DAY.
  • Impetigo
    Exclude until 24 hours after treatment has been started. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IF 20% OR MORE OF CHILDREN AND/OR STAFF ARE AFFECTED.
  • Influenza
    Exclude if child has a fever. Child may go to school or day nursery if he feels well enough to take part in normal activities. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IF 20% OR MORE OF CHILDREN AND/OR STAFF ARE AFFECTED.
  • Lice
    Exclusion guidelines vary with school boards.
  • Measles (Rubeola)
    Exclude until 4 days after the appearance of the rash. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IMMEDIATELY.
  • Meningitis (bacterial)
    Exclude until child has been treated and is well enough to participate in normal daily activities. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IMMEDIATELY.
  • Meningitis (viral)
    Exclude until child is well enough to participate in school activities. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IMMEDIATELY.
  • Mumps
    Exclude until 5 days after onset of swelling. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IMMEDIATELY.
  • Pinworm
    No exclusion necessary.
  • Ringworm
    Exclude until after treatment has started.
  • Roseola (Examthem subitum)
    No exclusion necessary.
  • Rubella (German Measles)
    Exclude 7 days after onset of the rash. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IMMEDIATELY.
  • Scabies
    Exclude until treatment has started. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IF 20% OR MORE OF CHILDREN AND/OR STAFF ARE AFFECTED.
  • Scarlet Fever
    Exclude until 24 hours after treatment has started and child is without fever for 24 hours.
  • Strep Throat (Streptococcal Sore Throat)
    Exclude until 24 hours after treatment has started and child is without fever for 24 hours.
  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
    Exclude until 5 days after treatment with erythromycin has started and child is feeling well, otherwise 3 weeks from date of onset. REPORT TO HEALTH UNIT IMMEDIATELY.