Held on April 25, 2024 Porcupine Health Unit Boardroom and Online Meeting - Microsoft Teams (MS Teams)
Municipal Members:
PHU Members:
Michelle Boileau, Board of Health Chair, called the Board of Health meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
The agenda for the April 25, 2024 Board of Health meeting was reviewed. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Cindy Campbell
SECONDED BY: Tory Delaurier
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-31
That the Board of Health agenda, dated April 25, 2024, be approved.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
4.1 Board of Health Minutes – March 26, 2024
The minutes from the Board of Health meeting held March 26, 2024 were reviewed. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Marc Dupuis
SECONDED BY: Cindy Campbell
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-32
That the minutes from the Board of Health meeting held March 26, 2024 be approved.
Chair M. Boileau reviewed the BOH member meeting attendance report for the first quarter of 2024, as well as for the orientation session. BOH members are expected to attend an annual orientation session as public health continues to evolve, and members must attend at least one. Another session will be offered as soon as possible. Attendance reports will be shared quarterly.
6.1 Merger Update
Dr. Catton provided a merger update. A presentation to the Board provided an overview of the briefing notes and key messages shared in the agenda package detailing PHU and THU Merger history, which began long before the announcement in August, and current merger work. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Sue Perras
SECONDED BY: Tory Delaurier
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-33
That the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit receive the merger update as presented by Dr. Catton for information.
6.2 i) Board of Health Merger Working Group Minutes – February 27, 2024
The minutes from the Board of Health Merger Working Group meeting held February 27, 2024 were reviewed. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Drago Stefanic
SECONDED BY: Marc Dupuis
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-34
That the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit receive the report of the Board of Health Merger Working Group and receive the minutes of the February 27 meeting as presented.
6.2 ii) Board of Health Subcommittees
The Board of Health Working Group recommended the establish of a Finance subcommittee. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Cindy Campbell
SECONDED BY: Josee Vachon
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-35
That the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approves the Board of Health Finance subcommittee for the merged local public health entity as presented.
6.2 iii) Board of Health Composition Briefing Note and Supplementary Update
The Board of Health Composition briefing note and supplementary update was reviewed with the Board. The Board of Health Merger Working Group met on February 27. In alignment with guiding principles the working group provided recommendations for the Board of Health composition. The BOH discussed concerns about municipal representation and following the process agreed to by both Boards, will ask the BOH Merger Working Group to reassess for potential options to increase the municipal representation. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Peter Politis
SECONDED BY: Louise Gadoury
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-36
That the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit appreciates the work of the Board of Health Merger Working Group in preparing a proposal for Board of Health composition for the new entity, and respectfully asks they reassess this proposal and consider a composition with an option for greater municipal representation; and,
Furthermore, the Board of Health requests that the Board of Health Merger Working Group review the rotation of municipal representatives and provide process recommendations to each Board.
7.1 Finance Committee Meeting Report – April 4, 2024 – M. Dupuis
Elections were held and Marc Dupuis was elected Chair of the Finance Committee, and Sue Perras Vice-Chair.
7.2 Finance Committee Minutes – January 15, 2024
A Finance Committee meeting was held on January 15, 2024 the minutes were received for information. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Tory Delaurier
SECONDED BY: Cindy Campbell
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-37
That the minutes for the Finance Committee meeting held January15, 2024 be received for information.
7.3 Q-1 Financial Update – January 15, 2024
Rosa Montico-Reimer provided an overview of the revenues and expenditures for the first quarter of 2024. Provincial base funding continues to be received. In the Fall of 2023, an application for one time funding for the Fall RSV vaccine program was submitted and was recently approved by the Ministry. When a shortfall was predicted for the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program, an application for a one-time review was submitted, and has now also been approved. A recent Ministry announcement advised that the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Hub program is now a permanent program and funding will be ongoing, however the amount has yet to be confirmed. An overview of the operating expenses was also provided.
The Q-1 financial update highlighted some unanticipated expenses incurred and the Board was informed of upcoming required expenses to address aging infrastructure and systems; as well as opportunities for provincial support for some of these items to be included in the merger application.
The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Drago Stefanic
SECONDED BY: Angele Rochon
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-38
That the Board of Health receive the Financial Update as recommended by the Finance Committee.
The Report of the Medical Officer of Health for April 25, 2024 was prepared by Dr. Catton for the Board of Health for information purposes. Chair Boileau thanked Dr. Catton for the report. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Angele Rochon
SECONDED BY: Louise Gadoury
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-39
That the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit receive the MOH/CEO report for April 25, 2024.
9.1 Public Health Ontario Provincial Lab Closure
The Board was provided a copy of the Auditor General’s Report on Value-for-Money Audit of Public Health Ontario (PHO) December 2023. The report recommends the closure of six out of eleven Public Health Ontario Labs (PHOL), including the one in Timmins. The impacts and challenges for the North are different and the metrics used to determine PHO lab efficiencies and effectiveness often do not account for delays due to transport of samples to the lab. The PHOL in Timmins has been a key partner supporting public health needs and the region during COVID, and other outbreaks and investigations of diseases of public health significance. Closure of the Timmins laboratory for the PHU region may have significant impacts public health accountability and responsibility to control, recognize and respond to diseases of public health significance. Ensuring ongoing options for accessible and timely well water testing will also be particularly important for the region. The ability to discuss plans are around the closure will be critical with a health equity lens recognizing the unique challenges of the northeastern region will be critical. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY:Marc Dupuis
SECONDED BY: Gary Fortin
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-40
That the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit directs the Board Chair and MOH/CEO to write a letter on behalf of the Board highlighting concerns regarding the Public Health Ontario Provincial lab closure in Timmins; and,
Furthermore, that the letter be circulated to the member municipalities seeking support.
Correspondence was received for information purposes.
The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Tory Delaurier
SECONDED BY: Gary Fortin
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2024-04-41
Be it Resolved the next meeting of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit be held May 23, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. and that this meeting be adjourned.