Held on October 26, 2023, Porcupine Health Unit Boardroom and Online Meeting - Microsoft Teams (MS Teams)
Municipal Members:
PHU Members:
Michelle Boileau, Board of Health Chair, called the Board of Health meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
The agenda for the October 26, 2023, Board of Health meeting was reviewed. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Cindy Campbell
SECONDED BY: Josee Vachon
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-96
Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health agenda, dated October 26, 2023, be approved.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
4.1 Board of Health Minutes – September 28, 2023
The minutes from the Board of Health meeting held September 28, 2023, were reviewed. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Sue Perras
SECONDED BY: Bill Gvozdanovic
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-97
Be It Resolved, that the minutes from the Board of Health meeting held September 28, 2023 be approved.
There was no business arising from the minutes.
The Report of the Medical Officer of Health for October 26, 2023 was presented by Dr. Catton to the Board of Health for information purposes. Chair Boileau thanked Dr. Catton for the report. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Andrew Marks
SECONDED BY: Drago Stefanic
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-98
Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit accepts the MOH/CEO report for October 26, 2023.
There was no Finance Committee meeting nor updates.
Correspondence was received for information purposes. For awareness purposes, Dr. Catton drew attention to the letter issued by the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) to Dr. Kieran Moore around next steps for public health funding and capacity. Dr. Catton noted that the resolution received from the City of Timmins declaring intimate partner violence is both critical and timely for our region in recognition of the recent tragedies witnessed in Algoma. The Board of Health supports a similar resolution for the Porcupine Health Unit to be prepared. Highlights from alPHa’s October Infobreak were also reviewed including the alPHa symposium with a recommendation that Board members attend.
9.1 Risk Assessment – Lianne Catton
Dr. Catton provided an overview of Risk Assessment Process and Management mitigation plan that identifies the high risks and is reported in the third quarter reporting to the Ministry.
In 2023, the high risks that will be reported to the Ministry are Financial, Human Resources, Political and Information Technology (I.T). These risks were reviewed in terms of current concerns, future considerations, and mitigation strategies in place and ongoing. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Josee Vachon
SECONDED BY: Cindy Campbell
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-99
Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the Risk Assessment and Management Report as presented.
9.2 2021 Annual Report – Lianne Catton
Dr. Catton was pleased to present the 2021 Annual Report. The report highlights the PHU’s innovation, partnerships and achievements of the locally informed COVID-19 vaccine program. Dr. Catton provided an overview of the report’s recurring theme, with recognition of the PHU’s strong local connections and its ongoing work towards recovery. The report will be translated in French and shared with the Board, municipalities and partners upon approval by the Board. Dr. Catton advised that work has begun on the 2022 Annual Report, and the Financials are already reported on the webpage. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Sue Perras
SECONDED BY: Andrew Marks
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-100
Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the Porcupine Health Unit Annual Report as presented.
10.1 Personnel Matter
The Board of Health Members moved to In-Camera at 5:31 p.m. for a discussion regarding a personnel matter, and the following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Andrew Marks
SECONDED BY: Gary Fortin
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-101
Be it Resolved, that the Board of Health move to In-Camera for a personnel matter.
The In-Camera discussion was complete, and the following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Cindy Campbell
SECONDED BY: Gary Fortin
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-102
Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit rise without report at 5:57 p.m.
Loss of quorum occurred, the discussion will occur again at the next Board of Health meeting.
The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Andrew Marks
SECONDED BY: Josee Vachon
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2023-10-103
Be it Resolved, the next meeting of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit be held November 23, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. and that this meeting adjourns.