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Meeting of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit

Held on November 26, 2020, Timmins Office, Online via Microsoft Teams (MS Teams)


  • Sue Perras, Town of Smooth Rock Falls
  • Drago Stefanic, Vice-Chair, Township of Hornepayne
  • Cleo Charlebois, Township of Black River-Matheson
  • Denis Clement, Town of Cochrane, Town of Moosonee
  • Marc Dupuis, Township of Mattice Val-Cote, Opasatika and Val-Rita-Harty
  • Marc Ringuette, Town of Hearst
  • Pat Britton, Town of Iroquois Falls
  • Sebastien Lessard, Town of Kapuskasing,Townships of Moonbeam, Fauquier and Stickland
  • John Curley, City of Timmins
  • Kristin Murray, City of Timmins
  • Mickey Auger, City of Timmins
  • Rock Whissell, City of Timmins


  • Lianne Catton, Medical Officer of Health (MOH)/Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


  • Carla Pecjak, Executive Assistant to the MOH/CEO, Secretary to the Board of Health

Attending by Invitation:

Mary-Lou Pollon, Manager Corporate Services


  • Mickey Auger, City of Timmins
  • Cleo Charlebois, Township of Black River-Matheson

1. Call to Order

Sue Perras, Board of Health Chair, called the Board of Health meeting to order at 5:55 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

The agenda for the November 26, 2020 Board of Health meeting was reviewed. The following motion was read:

MOVED BY: John Curley
SECONDED BY: Marc Ringuette

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-65

Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health Agenda, dated November 26, 2020, be approved.


3. Conflict of Interest Declaration

There were no conflicts of interest declared.

4.  Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes from the Board of Health meeting held on October 29, 2020, were reviewed and the following motion was read:           

MOVED BY: Marc Dupuis
SECONDED BY: Kristin Murray

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-66

Be It Resolved, that the minutes from the Board of Health meeting held on October 29, 2020, be approved as presented.


5. Business Arising from Minutes

There was nothing under Business Arising.

6. Report of the Medical Officer of Health

The Report of the Medical Officer of Health dated November 26, 2020, was presented to the Board of Health for information purposes. In addition, a brief verbal update from the Medical Officer of Health was provided, on the PHU COVID-19 response to date.

7. Board of Health Committee Minutes and Reports

Program Committee

Program Committee Minutes – October 29, 2020

A Program Committee meeting was held prior to the Board of Health meeting; the minutes were received for information; the following motion was read:

MOVED BY: Denis Clement
SECONDED BY:Rock Whissell

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-67

Be It Resolved, that the minutes from the Board of Health Program Committee meeting held on October 29, 2020, be received for information.


Program Committee Reports

Review of Program Committee – Dr. Lianne Catton

A Program Committee meeting was held prior to the Board of Health meeting; the following motion was read:

MOVED BY: Kristin Murray
SECONDED BY: Marc Dupuis

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-68 

Whereas, the recent review and update of the Board of Health Bylaws to Regulate the Proceedings of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit highlighted the need to likewise update the committees of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit.

Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the dissolution of the Program Committee of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit effective December 31, 2020.


8. Resource Committee

Resource Committee Minutes – October 29, 2020

A Resource Committee meeting was held prior to the Board of Health meeting; the minutes were received for information; the following motion was read:

MOVED BY: John Curley
SECONDED BY: Rock Whissell

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-69 

Be It Resolved, that the minutes from the Board of Health Resource Committee meeting held on October 29, 2020, be received for information.


Resource Committee Reports

Pandemic Pay

A Resource Committee meeting was held prior to the Board of Health meeting; the pandemic pay report and proposed plan for all health professionals for the Porcupine Health Unit was reviewed; the following motion was read:

MOVED BY: Denis Clement
SECONDED BY: John Curley

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-70 

Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve pandemic pay to all health professionals of the Porcupine Health Unit who meet the same criteria from the Province and Ministry.


COVID-19 Management Overtime and Compensation

A Resource Committee meeting was held prior to the Board of Health meeting; direction was provided during an in-camera session with regards to the management overtime and compensation proposed plan for the Porcupine Health Unit; the following motion was read:

MOVED BY: John Curley
SECONDED BY: Rock Whissell

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-71 

Whereas, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic constitutes extraordinary circumstances, and has required extraordinary hours and commitment of all team members, including the Porcupine Health Unit management team,

Be it Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the proposal, reviewed with the Resource Committee to recognize and compensate the management team for their commitment well beyond the usual expectations.


Revenues and Expenditures – nine months ended September 30, 2020

A Resource Committee meeting was held prior to the Board of Health meeting; the Revenues and Expenditures report for the nine months end September 30, 2020 for the Porcupine Health Unit was reviewed; the following motion was read:

MOVED BY: Pat Britton
SECONDED BY: Denis Clement

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-72 

Be it Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the Revenues and Expenditures report for the nine months ended September 30, 2020.


Reserve Fund

A brief overview of the Porcupine Health Unit reserve fund was provided.  Further details were provided as part of the 2021 Budget and Per Capita Rate report.

2021 Budget and Per Capita Rate

A Resource Committee meeting was held prior to the Board of Health meeting; the 2021 Budget and Per Capita Rate report was reviewed; the following motions were read:

MOVED BY: Rock Whissell
SECONDED BY: Marc Dupuis

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-73 

Be it Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health establish its net budget for the year 2021 at $16,533,611. This budget covers both cost-shared and 100% funded programs.


MOVED BY: Drago Stefanic
SECONDED BY: John Curley

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-74 

WHEREAS, the Ministry of Health is shifting a greater portion of public health funding from the Province, to municipalities, in 2021; and

WHEREAS, they will mitigate the financial impact facing municipalities from this cost-sharing change in 2021, through the provision of mitigation funding;

NOW THERESORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit maintain its per capita rate at $43.97, for a 0% increase in per capita rates for 2021, based on a population of 61,772 for the purposes of assessing its obligated municipalities for the year 2021.

AND FURTHER THAT, 100% of the 2021 increase be subsidized through the Porcupine Health Unit reserve funds.


9. Correspondence

Board of Health correspondence was provided to Board members for review. There were no questions related to BOH correspondence and no further discussion required.

10. New Business

Board of Health Meeting Schedule 2021

The Board of Health meeting schedule for 2021 was brought forward for consideration and approval. Board of Health meetings for the Porcupine Health Unit are held at the health unit main office in Timmins, when possible. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Board of Health meetings will continue to be held virtually until in-person meetings are permitted. The following motion was read:

MOVED BY: Denis Clement

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-75




Thursday, January 28, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee

4:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Board of Health

Resource Committee


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Board of Health
Resource Committee


Be it Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the 2021 Board of Health and Committee schedule of meeting dates, as circulated.


Online Meeting Platform 

The Porcupine Health Unit is moving towards the implementation and adoption of Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) for video/voice conferencing meeting collaborations with internal and external committees/groups. The full adoption process will take time and will be done in phases.

The Porcupine Health Unit will continue to support Board of Health members in the transition and expansion phases. Sue Perras expressed her gratitude to Eric Glaister for his support to Board of Health members during the transition to MS Teams for the Board of Health meetings.

Board of Health Bylaws

Medical Officer of Health Absence or Inability to Act (Section 6, Item 6.1)

MOVED BY: Drago Stefanic
SECONDED BY: Denis Clement

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-76 

THAT where necessary the Board of Health may appoint and Acting Medical Officer of Health in the short-term absence of the Medical Officer of Health from one of the following health units, by resolution, to ensure that the statutory duties and powers of the Medical Officer of Health may continue to be fulfilled.

Medical Officer of Health, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit
Medical Officer of Health, Public Health Sudbury and Districts
Medical Officer of Health, Thunder Bay and District Health Unit
Medical Officer of Health, Northwestern Health Unit
Medical Officer of Health, Algoma Public Health
Dr. Ian Gemmill, Medical Officer of Health (Retired)
Dr. Marlene Spruyt, Medical Officer of Health (Consultant)

Be it Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the above noted revision to the Board of Health Bylaws to Regulate the Proceedings for the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit.


11. In Camera

No in-camera business.

12. Date of Next Meeting and Adjournment

The following motion was read:

MOVED BY: Pat Britton
SECONDED BY: John Curley

Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2020-11-77

Whereas, the next meeting of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit be held on January 28, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. and that this meeting adjourns.


Approved by: Board of Health, February 25, 2021
Original Signed by: Sue Perras, Chair, Board of Health